Friday, November 9, 2007

Giving Without Spending...Much: Toys for Tots

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It's that time of year again. I've been seeing the Toys for Tots boxes at my local wally world for a few weeks now. As I was perusing the toy section, I saw some really cute ones for $5. The hubby and I wound up getting one that was $10 to donate. It's up to you what you get but you don't have to spend a lot to give a needy child a great Christmas. Next time you're in a store that has a Toys for Tots box, give up something and use that $5 and purchase a toy to donate.


Kaye said...

Toys for Tots is great! Great blog!

SAHMmy Says said...

Great idea! There are always lots of coupons/offers/discounts/freebies around Christmas--I use them to get great deals on toys to give to various charities. My kiddos are under 3, and I've always heard that there is a great need for toys for kids over 10 years old, so I don't forget to check out the deals on toys for older kids.